Many companies today don't realize how important security is for their company. For instance, many companies think that if they don't do credit card transactions, don't allow guests on their network when people come to their company, and block sites like Facebook, that they are secure and nobody can get through their gate. Unfortunately this is not true.
In today's connected digital world, many companies are allowing their employees to use mobile devices such as laptops, smartphones, and tablets on their network. With everything being connected, the merging of innovation and ideas come together. This is great for companies that want to move forward and look towards the future (because everything is going mobile). But what happens when these devices that are used outside of the business come into it? It's ok, you have a firewall right?
Just because websites like Facebook are blocked internally and guests cannot access the web at a company, does not mean that company is safe. Because employees use mobile devices and are using them other places besides work, they are still prone to malicious software. They could easily go to a coffee shop and play Mafia Wars or Farmville on Facebook, and never know that someone had gotten into their laptop or embedded some malicious software or tracking software on their device through those apps. Then, when that employee brings the laptop to work, it is on your network. It found it's way around that great firewall that you have.
So what do you do about this situation? Lock employee's hardware down so they can't do anything at all no matter where they go? Wrong. You get a Next Generation Firewall or NGFW.
A Next Generation Firewall or NGFW allows you to control applications, users, and content, not just ports. This gives you significantly more protection for your network and allows you to identify threats that you never thought could get it.
Visit our website to learn more.